
Mission and goals

Stichting Utoptics is a foundation without lucrative purpose that aims to strengthen fundamental and applied optics research in The Netherlands and to diffuse optical science and technology for the common good.

Stichting Utoptics mission translates into three goals:
  1. To promote scientific and applied optics research
  2. To enable public access to new technological developments in optics
  3. To support and facilitate education in the field of optics for students and the general public 


  • Prof. dr. Allard Mosk, Utrecht University (Chairman)
  • Dr. ir. Sanli Faez, Utrecht University (Secretary)
  • Dr. ir. Ramy El-Dardiry (Treasurer)
  • Dr. Dries van Oosten, Utrecht University (Board member)

Legal structure 

Stichting Utoptics is a non-for-profit foundation (with ANBI status), registered by the chamber of commerce in Amsterdam under KvK-number 74955934. The foundation has no regular employees. It relies on volunteers as well as people carrying out ad hoc assignments. The foundation spends all its financial resources to fulfill its mission and goals.

De Stichting Utoptics is een stichting zonder winstoogmerk (met ANBI), ingeschreven bij de Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam onder nummer 74955934 en RSIN 860086343. Zij heeft geen personeel in dienst en het bestuur is onbezoldigd. De Stichting zet al haar geldmiddelen in ten behoeve van haar doelstelling.

Strategic plan  

The strategic plan of Stichting Utoptics for 2019-2021 can be viewed here.

Financial reports

Major expenses: 
- 1000 Euro for the best master thesis prize at NNV-AMO
Minor expenses:
- Bank account
- Hosting 
Income: 0

 Major expenses: 
- 1000 Euro for the best master thesis prize at NNV-AMO
- 5000 Euro for the open source development grant to Solbion B.V.
Minor expenses:
- Bank account
- Hosting 
Income: 0